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Seating will not be provided. Attendees are strongly encouraged to bring a lawn chair or blanket. Based on current forecast models, there is a possibility the ground may be wet, so please keep in mind when deciding what to bring.

Masks and Social Distancing
Attendees are required to wear their masks at all times and are asked to keep a safe six-foot distance from unrelated parties. At Stage A and Stage B, an usher will be providing suggested locations for safe social distancing. The City of Auburn Lawn and Porch has roped off seating areas.

Parking is located off of Woodfield Drive that runs just behind the Jay and Susie Gogue Performing Arts Center at Auburn University. Attendees will be able to use the roundabout for dropping off passengers. If needed, overflow parking is across College Street at the Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art.

Food and Drink
Attendees may bring water; no other outside food or drink is allowed. AU Players will be providing concessions during the festival with light refreshments and designated resting areas for eating and drinking. 

Attendees may bring individual umbrellas, but large, view-obstructing umbrellas are not allowed.

Rain Cancellation
We are monitoring the weather forecast. If there are any cancellations, attendees will be alerted immediately via email. Any rescheduling or refunding will be determined the following week.

Auburn University Theatre


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